“Those who have performed at their peak throughout all of history have sworn to one thing: most of their preparation took place in their mind. Ostara coaches and trains people, teams and organisations in this mental mastery to make transformational changes.”

Neil, a founding Director of Ostara, specialises in delivering sustainable changes for people and organisations. His purpose is to get the best out of people. Neil learnt the core technologies he teaches and uses as a direct result of wanting to understand how he could model those outstanding individuals and organisations that consistently got excellent results. Once he had mastered the strategies, tools and techniques for transformation and peak performance he applied them to his personal life, working life and even into his golfing game! Neil then knew he needed to share his learning with others.
Neil is a retired Chief Superintendent after a very successful and varied 30-year career in policing, much of which was spent in senior leadership positions delivering key services to the public. As a Superintendent, Neil was the head of a Criminal Justice Department – overseeing and orchestrating change and ensuring delivery of the government reform agenda. He has commanded complex geographical areas and more latterly, as a Chief Superintendent, was a Director of Organisational Development.
In his last three years of his service, Neil was the Lead Officer for organisational change. He led and implemented three organisation-wide restructures. These restructures assisted in achieving significant financial reductions whilst at the same time increasing performance and enhancing service delivery.
However, most importantly during these organisational change processes, Neil became fascinated by the range of different emotional, performance, physical and communication reactions from people.
Neil wanted to understand how some people seized opportunities and threats, plus used their strengths and weakness to great effect, whilst others handed over all their personal power and control by focusing on the negative. This started his journey in learning how to model excellence and he now delivers this knowledge to others through Ostara.
Neil is a Master Practitioner of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line TherapyTM (accredited through the world-renowned American Board of NLP, the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the Time Line TherapyTMAssociation). In addition, Neil is also a certified coach and trainer of the HeartMath techniques and technologies and a certified practitioner and coach of Pyhco Sensory Techniques and Principles (PsyTaP). He delivers NLP Training and has coached numerous clients in all walks of life.
Family values play an important part in Neil’s make-up and he often empowers his two young daughters with the tools that he teaches to clients. His passion is coaching people to get the best out of both their private and corporate lives. He also thrives in assisting organisations to achieve growth by aligning teams behind a compelling vision. Neil is often heard to say: “I hear people say that change is a constant but in our systems of schools and enterprise we don’t teach people how to change, nor do we teach them how to deal with the consequences of change. My goal is to not just give my clients the tools to cope with change, but the tools and techniques which will allow them to thrive and achieve their potential.

“It was a genuine privilege to work with Neil. He has a gentle manner and warmth that allowed me to feel completely at ease. I felt vulnerable and had stepped outside my comfort zone and Neil was there to give me the confidence I needed to work through my issues. Neil has a deep-rooted understanding and an incredible insight that left me with the belief that I could conquer anything. He has a competence and knowledge within NLP, Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis that is inspiring. Thank you for taking me through my journey of self-discovery! I look forward to working with you again.”
Client Feedback

“Ostara considers all their clients to be part of our team. Our ethos is about ‘doing with’ and not ‘doing to’: we will work in partnership with you to ensure we unleash your full potential so you thrive in being in the elite.”

As a client, you will consider yourself part of the Ostara team. Like you, Ostara strives to achieve excellence in everything we do.
We are only successful because the clients we work with wish to perform at their peak and be in an elite. Our values (honesty, integrity, quality and confidentiality) and our style (excellent service) will ensure that we will work with you to truly understand and deliver against your needs.
As an Ostara client, you will be someone who wants to make change happen for yourself, your team, your organisation and/or for others.
You will be seeking profound and powerful strategies, tools and techniques, which will enable you to perform at your peak and achieve excellence in whatever area you choose.
You will develop a strong relationship with the core Ostara team, which means you can come back for support and guidance, which goes well beyond the direct training and coaching you might find elsewhere. This way you become an integral part of the Ostara team.
Make change happen for you now: Contact Us.

“Clients are the most important assets of Ostara. We will provide support and guidance at every stage: be it through training/coaching or post-event when you need a top-up of focus, energy, inspiration or motivation.”
Neil Wilson, Ostara-NLP