What are HeartMath® Techniques & Technologies
HeartMath® is based upon 26 years of research. There are over 300 independent peer-reviewed studies, which scientifically validate the HeartMath system of techniques and technologies. These techniques are used worldwide by:
Business leaders, non-profits, hospitals, and health professionals that want to improve the culture of the workplace, promote wellbeing and reduce escalating health costs.
Optimal performance centres.
Military and special forces’ personnel seeking to build resilience and reduce the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Olympic teams, sports coaches and elite athletes who want to gain a competitive advantage and optimise performance.
Police and other first responders who want to improve their personnel’s ability to prepare for, respond effectively and quickly recover from stressful incidents.
Schools, colleges, universities and youth agencies that seek to improve academic attainment, improve student behaviour and reduce the incidence of stress and anxiety.
In short, the HeartMath system is an evidence-based methodology, which is used extensively throughout the world to build stress resilience. HeartMath’s client list includes global companies such as BP, Cisco Sytems, Boeing, Unilever, and world-class educational establishments such as the Stamford Business School and the London Business School.