Top athletes succeed, not only because of their dedication, skill and talent; but also because of their ability to cope with the psychological aspects of their sport. They develop resilience and mental toughness, which allows them to recover from mistakes, prevail when the pressure is on, bounce back after defeat and keep going when times get tough. Is the world of senior leadership any different? The arena may be different, but attributes required to succeed and thrive in ever increasingly complex and turbulent times, are surely the same.

Senior leaders and managers need more than just technical expertise to perform, they need behavioural flexibility, mental strength and resilience to compete and take your organisation to new heights. They need to develop strategies and techniques to deal with the stress of change and strong competition, to stay positive, to recover from mistakes, to take tough decisions, to collaborate with new teams and find new ways of working. This is where Ostara can help.

WHY Mental Strength / Resilience Coaching will benefit you? 

Do you want to develop your leaders to gain a deeper insight into how they can build inner strength and resilience and take performance to the next level? Do you want them to equip them with the tools and techniques used by top athletes and business leaders to deal with the pressure and stress of competition? Do you wish to develop their decision-making ability and ensure that it is not clouded negatively by unhelpful emotions or perceived limitations they may have about themselves? Do you want to equip them with the skills to build greater rapport, trust and negotiating skills with your colleagues and customers? Do you want to increase their flexibility so that they are able to anticipate and seize more opportunities? If the answer is “Yes” to any of these, the Ostara Strength / Resilience programme is for you and/or your team.

WHAT will you gain?

Our coaching programmes for senior leaders will help equip your teams and leaders with the skills and techniques to remain flexible and responsive to an ever-changing environment, to remain positive and optimistic, to withstand the pressure of leading change, to develop inner strength and resilience, to dig deep and keep going when the going gets tough and things are not working as expected, to do the right things regardless of how difficult they may seem, to collaborate, find new ways of working and provide support for their colleagues, teams and people, and to all this with courage, authenticity and ethics.

Mental Strength and Resilience coaching/training is one of the most powerful and cost-effective ways to ensure your company is best placed and able to meet the challenges of continuous change. As a senior leader, you will want more for your people and for your customers. Our one-to-one Mental Strength/Resilience Programme for senior managers and leaders will help develop exceptional leadership skills and solves personal/interpersonal issues.

Equally, our approach, which will ensure there is full alignment between your vision, values, strategies, goals, beliefs and actions whilst equipping

your key personnel with greater emotional, mental and physiological control. In this way, the organisation and senior leaders will thrive. We work on both the inner-game (leadership traits, communication style, skills, beliefs, values, physiology and thoughts) and your outer-game (how you deal with the environment, relationships and how actions turn into results). In addition to creating exceptional and measurable business results, our programme will produce a very high level of personal transformation.

Senior Managers and Leaders will be “freed up” from what has been holding them back and experience greater excitement and creativity. From our experience of working with clients they will gain, amongst other things, the following:

  • A deeper understanding of individual leadership personality.
  • Greater clarity and alignment on individual and the organisational values.
  • Greater Clarity on individual goals and how they align with the organisational vision (and dropping the ones which are distracting)
  • The removal of limiting beliefs (i.e. personal baggage) and decisions (e.g. I’m not good enough to take on more responsibility, I don’t know how to turn things around, etc.) and replace them with empowering ones
  • Powerful and effective communication.
  • Improved mental strength and resilience.
  • The ability to access positive emotional states in a split-second to improve decision-making
  • How to model excellence from other leaders so they can replicate it
  • The confidence to take audacious and bold decisions
  • The skills to form successful and powerful partnerships, networks and teams

HOW can you access this valuable programme?

By investing in your key personnel, senior managers and leaders you can access our Ostara-NLP Mental Strength and Resilience Programme. A number of options are available for contracting Executive / Leadership Coaching:

  • On an ‘as-needed’ basis for executives, senior leaders, high-potential talent, management team members and key employees;
  • As an agreed coaching programme over a period of time with a specific number of sessions;
  • As an intensive Personal Breakthrough session;
  • As part of wider team development programme with both personal and team coaching; or
  • Following one of our training programmes to reinforce, fully embed and apply the learning until it is internalised.

WHAT IF you have any questions?

Other options are available and we know you will have questions. So simply contact us so we can discuss your exact coaching needs.

Make change happen for you now.

“Nothing on earth can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Thomas Jefferson

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not... nothing is more common than unsuccessful people will talent. Genius will not... unrewarded genius is almost legendary. Education will not.... the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

Calvin Coolidge